Will tariffs make America rich again?
Source: Politifact.com
Posted on: December 18, 2018
The Observatory (https://observatory.journalism.wisc.edu/rounduplink/)
A meme shared on the right-wing Facebook page “Rowdy Republican” claimed that President Donald Trump signed an executive order that bars illegal immigrants from collecting welfare benefits.
Source: checkyourfact.com
Posted on: December 18, 2018
President Donald Trump declared via Twitter that he is keeping perhaps his most famous campaign promise, claiming that “MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL!” through a recent trade agreement negotiated with Mexico. But economic and trade experts we interviewed said that’s not possible.
Source: FactCheck.org
Posted on: December 18, 2018
The U.S. Census Bureau officially estimates that close to 1 million fewer people were in poverty in 2017 compared with 2016. President Donald Trump called the decline “a record,” but it’s not.
Source: FactCheck.org
Posted on: December 18, 2018
Links and summaries to Politifact's 2018 Lie of the Year coverage.
Source: Politifact.com
Posted on: December 18, 2018
What does “clean coal” mean? And how does the technology work? We’ll dive into the various ways coal combustion can be made cleaner, and take a look at the future of coal in a world grappling with the effects of climate change.
Source: FactCheck.org
Posted on: November 12, 2018
We can’t tell if the video was purposefully doctored. But it seems likely that the video was distorted as it made its way to the Internet in the form of a GIF and then back to video. And, it appears the White House got the video from the conspiracy website Infowars.
Source: Politifact.com
Posted on: November 12, 2018
President Donald Trump claimed during a rally in Cleveland, Ohio, that illegal immigration costs the U.S. more than $100 billion a year. Verdict: Unsubstantiated
Source: checkyourfact.com
Posted on: November 12, 2018
Here are things we know about guns based on five fact checks we’ve done in 2018.
Source: Politifact.com
Posted on: November 12, 2018
Baldwin said VA doctors "are censored" from talking to patients about the benefits of marijuana. But the evidence her office cites relates only to VA bans on recommending or prescribing the drug. And VA guidelines explicitly encourage veterans to discuss marijuana use with providers.
Source: Politifact.com
Posted on: November 12, 2018